A few weeks ago, we took an RSPB avocet cruise up the Exe estuary (well, we thought it was RSPB – turned out to be Stuart Lines*, but it was excellent nonetheless!). We saw lots of interesting species including glaucous gull, grey plover, golden plover (lovely plumage!) and sanderling (so cute!).
Of course, best of all were the avocets! I’d only seen them once before, from quite a distance… We saw so many on this cruise, close enough to scrutinise their feeding behaviour =) They’re so beautiful – pure white fringed with black, with gorgeous long blue legs and the characteristic elegant curved beak!
…So I drew an oekaki (Shi Painter at www.oekakicentral.com) to celebrate
*This boat was later the venue for our wedding reception – very fitting! ask me questions available domains
Yuko :)
You definitely portrayed their beauty in your drawing!! The amazing richness of blues especially helps to bring out the bird’s gorgeous colours… I’m sure you made it all look much lovelier by ajusting the weather around the bird ;)) Also, that soft gentle expression is really what brings life to the whole thing, subtle, but definitely makes the image.
Though it looks nicer without the watermark, I doubt I’ll ever tire of looking at this piece. So perfect, you’ve truly mastered oekaki. Teach me.